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The Birmingham Development Plan was adopted by Birmingham City Council on 10th January 2017. It sets out our vision and a strategy for the sustainable growth of the City for the period up to 2031.

The City faces a number of challenges that will need to be addressed if we are to achieve our ambition for Birmingham to be renowned as an enterprising, innovative and green City.

The City's population is projected to grow by an additional 150,000 people by 2031, which means that new homes and jobs will be required, as well as the creation of quality environments in order for residents, workers, businesses and visitors to thrive.

The Birmingham Development Plan has a central role in how we address these challenges. It sets out a framework that will guide future development across the City, in particular how we address climate change, quality of life, delivery of infrastructure, creation of an inclusive economy and Birmingham's national/international role.

By planning positively, we can ensure that growth is accommodated in a way that is both sustainable and deliverable.

Councillor Ian Ward
Deputy Leader
Birmingham City Council

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