POLICY CA1: New developments
New development should seek to conserve and, wherever possible, enhance the key elements of the character and appearance of the Character Areas described in Appendix B through careful design and massing of new buildings and the protection and enhancement of private gardens and open space without inhibiting innovative design.
To conserve the visual cohesion new development should pay respect to adjoining buildings and the uniqueness of the Character Areas without resorting to pastiche, and pay particular attention to:
When required to support an application, a Design and Access Statement must demonstrate how the development respects the specific characteristics of the Character Area in which it is located.
Generally, where plot sizes are restricted, planning consent for all new development should specifically exclude Permitted Development Rights in order to contain future development and prevent infilling of amenity space.
POLICY CA2: Extensions to existing buildings and conversions
Domestic extensions requiring planning consent should seek to conserve and enhance the Character Areas described in Appendix B through the careful control of massing, alignment and height. Extensions that have an overbearing or adverse visual effect on the Character Area in which it is located will be resisted. Proposals should take account of the guidelines in Appendix C.
In the case of subdivision of a house into flats the impact of additional parking demand and the shared use of the garden must be considered as well as the social impact on the wider community of wide scale subdivision of dwellings.
POLICY CA3: Streets and areas with special characteristics
The design of all new buildings and extensions in the following streets or areas should respect and be in harmony with the character and scale of the immediate environment:
POLICY CA4: Landmark buildings and structures
The following buildings and structures make a particular architectural contribution to the Parish. Improvements will be encouraged as long as they maintain or enhance the positive contribution the buildings make to the surrounding character. Any proposed change to or replacement of these buildings and structures will only be permitted if the design respects the character and scale of the immediate environment. Any loss of these buildings and structures will be resisted unless the public benefits of any proposal outweigh the loss.
POLICY HO1: Satisfying local housing needs
All new housing proposals should consider the needs of at least one of these local priority groups:
All proposed major developments should have at least two dwelling types, of which at least one type should be for families.
POLICY HO2: Lifetime neighbourhoods and security
The location, design and layout of new housing development will be required to contribute to the creation of 'lifetime neighbourhoods' . In particular, all new dwellings should be safe and secure for everyone in line with the design principles of 'Secured by Design, New Homes 2014' or any successor document. Gated developments will be discouraged.
POLICY HO3: Connections to existing footpaths and cycle ways in new developments
All new development should connect into the existing networks and improve their connectivity.
POLICY RE1: Protection of retail uses
Where planning consent is required, there will be a presumption against any proposed change of use from any A Use Classes to residential use on the grounds of loss of consumer choice, and potential loss of parking and servicing access, subject to marketing evidence and viability testing.
POLICY RE2: Safeguarding employment
Where planning permission is required, there will be a presumption against change of use from any B Use Classes to Residential Use on the grounds of loss of employment, increased parking demand and potential loss of servicing access, subject to marketing evidence that continued use for employment purposes is no longer viable.
The Council will support all existing and new businesses which are compatible with neighbouring properties and will encourage the erection of buildings or the conversion and extension of buildings to new business premises where they are compatible with neighbouring residential properties. POLICY SF1: Shop fronts All applications for consent for new shopfronts should have regard to the guidelines in Appendix G. POLICY PRO1: Killingdown Farm Development Site The proposed development should ensure that the scheme on a site previously in the Green Belt preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the Conservation Area and the setting of listed buildings and seeks the retention of natural features.